Dear 108 Family~
We have decided to extend our studio closure through April, in order to do our part in slowing the spread of COVID-19. As May approaches, we will update you again. If you have not signed up for our emails, please do so on our website. We will keep contact with you through newsletters. Know that you are in our hearts, thoughts and prayers through this time of uncertainty, change and realignment. When events unfold in life, tied to circumstances beyond our control, initially, we may experience fear, worry, anxiety or instability. It’s at times like these, we have the opportunity to grow the most. These events never allow for stagnation, but put us in a place of choice, where we can take action to rise or fall. The hindering emotions such as pain and fear, can be intentionally placed into our internal fire and alchemized into ingredients for positive change. Out of the fire, emerges gratitude and Sacred Action rooted in love. Continuing practices at home will help you nourish and sustain through this time apart. An email will be sent out soon offering suggestions. The earth is realigning and we have the opportunity to realign with her. All storms through life offer great value. They provide necessary chaos so plants and trees can take root in new fields.
In response to the losses throughout the world, there is a birth of awareness, truth, love and compassion that will expand the depth and vastness of the collective consciousness. Through the storm, the silent, unchanging, primordial Sacred Essence permeates and holds all things in love. We are expansions of that mystery. Spirit will always bring balance. Keep the faith, love and devotion. You are never alone and we are in this together.
Love All Ways~