Weekly Classes At The 108

About Our Classes

Holy Yoga

Holy Yoga is experiential worship created to deepen people’s connection with Christ. Our sole purpose is to facilitate a Christ honoring experience that offers an opportunity to believers and non-believers alike to authentically connect to God through his word, worship and wellness. This is a vinyasa style flow set to Christian music incorporating scripture and prayer. Sharing the love of Christ through the modality of Yoga. Holy Yoga exists to be a haven for a broken and hurting world.

Flow + Restore

A one hour class dedicated to yoga basics and controlled movement. Flow yoga will simultaneously reduce tightness and build strength by focusing on relaxation through movement. This, combined with breath work and light meditation offers a mild and energizing class.

Gentle Yoga and Mindfulness

This gentle wake up yoga is the perfect way to start your day. Join us for slow paced, controlled pranayama breathing and deep stretches. Explore your body and mind as we move through a light flow. You will leave ready to conquer the day feeling your best. Yoga for everyone!

Restorative Yin Yoga

Restorative Yin class is a slow-paced stress relieving practice. All poses are done close to the ground utilizing both yin and restorative poses. The poses are held for 3-5 minutes using a variety of props to support the weight of the body.

Yin poses focus on stretching the deep connective tissues in our bodies (ligaments, tendons, and fascia) rather than the more superficial muscle tissue. Holding poses for several minutes help release deeply held tension in the physical body and unleash stagnant or blocked energy.

Restorative poses are about releasing and surrendering. Using props likes blocks, straps, bolsters, blankets, and sandbags to totally support the body. This allows us to release tension held in the body and mind by observing, feeling, and noticing the subtle changes in our body and mind.

Studio Available on Fridays & Saturdays for Special  & Private Classes, Workshops, Events & Hourly Rental.

Special Classes At The 108

Ecstatic Dance

Schedule Varies


Check in For Charity

Schedule Varies ~ Jessica